Did you know that straightening your teeth with Invisalign could help to ease that pain in your jaw, face or neck? Our BC dentists explain how Invisalign may help to relieve your pain.
When orthodontic treatments first began they weren't created just to give you a fabulous straight smile, they were actually created to improve your overall dental health. These treatments corrected misalignment issues and helped relieve patient's discomfort.
Invisalign treatment can help to alleviate the painful effects of teeth grinding without the hassle of traditional metal braces. With Invisalign your discomfort could be reduced or eliminated both during and after treatment.
TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a common jaw condition can cause pain in the joints, clicking and popping, misaligned jaws, inefficient and painful chewing, or even the inability to chew. Invisalign's clear custom aligners can help to relieve your TMD symptoms by deprograming the muscles involved in TMD.
Once your Invisalign treatment is complete you will have a straight new smile and a better bite that allows your jaw to open and close more freely, without causing pain or deterioration.